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image of shannon rogers guest speaker at the ONE october 12th, 2022

The title of this article is Stem Cells Made Simple

  • This article was posted on Oct 05, 2022
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  • The author of this article is The ONE

The title of this article is Stem Cells Made Simple

The following is the full article details: Shannon Rogers is a curious researcher in the field of human behavior and dysfunction. She has worked professionally and passionately with thousands of people for over twenty years, helping them move beyond abuse and trauma. She blends years of fervent learning with some of the most powerful tools on the planet into her methods. She passionately believes that processing emotions is the key to the fountain of youth, vibrance, and clarity leading to your greatest breakthrough, beyond fear and trauma. She has witnessed people turn back the signs of aging and to discover healing and functionality through her powerful work. She possesses a unique ability to quickly grasp the root of the problem and to compassionately lead you to your greatest potential.

Tell us about your business and how you got started.

Our business is about restoring relationships through restoring the physical body. I had a traumatic injury that lead to me receiving stem cell therapy through New Hope Regeneration. My results were simply miraculous. I began working with the organization and giving the presentations to spread the great news about regenerative therapy.

What services or products do offer?

We offer umbilical cord stem cell therapy from healthy mothers and healthy babies. 

What is unique about your business?

We are offer the most healing elixir available on the planet. Our organization is nationwide and makes umbilical cord stem cells fast, easy and safe in a way that exceeds all other companies and products.

What can customers expect when doing business with you?

Regeneration of their physical body as well as being part of the healing revolution.

To what do you attribute your success?

Our success has been a byproduct of our product. We go above and beyond to insure that we offer the healthiest most effective stem cells. We have a level 5 lab with state of the art technology that exceeds all standards. 

What is the best advice someone has ever given you?

Let it go.

What made you decide to start your business or choose this career path?

I have witnessed the healing in my own body as well as my family and clientele. I believe regenerative therapy is the wave of the future and it is my honor to share this powerful information

Does your company help or get involved in the community in any way?

It is our mission to restore relationships through restoring the physical body. We love to partner with already established organizations in the community as well as connect individuals into our community.

Are there any lessons that you have learned that you would like to pass on?

An open mind has unlimited potential.

Is there anything else that you want to add?

Our bodies are designed to regenerate from any condition

Learn more about Shannon's company by visiting: New Hope Regeneration

About The ONE

The ONE (The Organization of Networking Entrepreneurs) was created with a single purpose in mind – YOU! We are all about relationships, and all too often, networking organizations place restrictions on you and only allow you to network “their way”.

We believe relationships cannot be built and strengthened with handcuffs on so leave your name tags at the door, forget your networking affiliations (for the day), and start building the relationships that will help you succeed!

At the heart of The One are our local chapters which meet weekly for networking, relationship building, and business development. Each chapter is comprised of entrepreneurs, just like you, who believe that relationship building and networking are an essential part of the success of their businesses and careers. Membership in each chapter is exclusive where only one person per business category is allowed in each chapter. Each chapter holds in-person meetings every week and chapter membership consists of local business owners, entrepreneurs, and community leaders that live and work within the surrounding area of the established chapter. 


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